Order of Worship for 12/10/2017

Welcome and Announcements


Scripture Meditation    “And his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end.”

Isaiah 9:6-7



The Lord Calls Us to Worship


* Salutation                                                                   1 Corinthians 1:3

* Call to Worship                                                                 Psalm 29:1-2

* Prayer of Invocation


Our Response to the Lord’s Call


* Hymn of Praise                    #218 “Angels, from the realms of Glory”

Profession of Faith                                     WSC 20-21, TH, p. 870-71

Confession of Sin

Assurance of Pardon                                                           Psalm 32:5

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Scripture Reading                                                      Romans 16:17-27

* Hymn of Preparation              #221 “Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming”

Congregational Prayer

Collection of Offerings

* Doxology                                                                                    # 731


The Lord Feeds Us from His Word


Scripture Reading                                                              Acts 3:11-26

Ministry of the Word                           “Spirit-Filled Preaching, Part 2”



We are Dismissed with the Lord’s Blessing


* Hymn of Response            #196 “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus”

* Benediction

* “Threefold Amen”                                                                TH, #740